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Braking Test

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On June 26, 2019, the DDL team tested braking distances by taking Niki to the track at Thunderhill Raceway and measured the distance needed to stop from speeds of 15 mph, 30 mph, 45 mph, 60 mph, 75 mph and 90 mph.

Description of data sets: 

File: Brakingtestdata.mat

Description: Data taken from Niki and used to create the graph in the video.


  • speed15, speed30, speed45, speed60, speed75, speed90 - Speed of Niki measured in mph from 20 feet before the brakes were applied.
  • position15, position30, postion45, position60, position75, position90 - Position of Niki in feet from the point where the brakes were applied.

File: Brakinggraph.m

Description: m-file used to create the graph in the video.

File: Brakingscatterdata.mat, brakingscatterdata.xlxs, brakingscatterdata.csv

Description: Paired data of speed and braking distance.


  • Speed of car: spd
    Measured in mph
  • Distance traveled by the car: dist
    Measured in feet from the moment the brakes were applied

Data Sets: 
Binary Data brakinggraph.m
Binary Data brakingtestdata.mat
Binary Data brakingscatterdata.mat
File brakingscatterdata.xlsx
File brakingscatterdata.csv

Information about data collection: 
This data set was collected by Jeff O'Connell as part of an Ignited Fellowship during the Summer of 2019.